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1. Store the vaccine at a refrigerated temperature between 2 and 8°C.2. Avoid exposing the vaccine to sunlight.3. Do not open or reconstitute the product until the instruments, personnel and birds are prepared to begin the vaccination process.4. Use the reconstituted and mixed vaccine immediately, using the entire contents of the vial.5. Once the product has been used, destroy the bottle and its remaining contents, preferably by incineration.


Reg. SAGARPA B-2782-027

This vaccine contains the active viruses of the homologous strain of fowlpox disease and of the fowl encephalomyelitis strain Calnek 1143, cultured in specific pathogen-free (SPF) chicken embryos.


Glass bottle containing 1,000 doses with 10 ml diluent and lancet.

Glass bottle containing 5,000 doses with 10 ml diluent and lancet.

Route of Administration:

By puncture in the wing membrane.

Indications of use:

For the prevention of fowlpox and avian encephalomyelitis in healthy birds, with the aim of promoting immunity against fowlpox and avian encephalomyelitis. The reaction at the application site of this vaccine is moderate.

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