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1. Store the vaccine at a refrigerated temperature between 2 and 8°C.2. Avoid exposing the vaccine to sunlight.3. Do not open or reconstitute the product until the instruments, personnel and birds are prepared to begin the vaccination process..4. Use the reconstituted and mixed vaccine immediately, using the entire contents of the vial.5. Once the product has been used, destroy the bottle and its remaining contents, preferably by incineration.


Reg. SAGARPA B-2782-023

This vaccine contains active Newcastle disease virus strain Hitchner B1 and infectious bronchitis of birds, high-passage Massachusetts and Connecticut serotypes, cultured in specific pathogen-free (SPF) chicken embryos, stabilized and packaged under high vacuum.


Glass bottle containing 100 doses.

Glass bottle containing 1,000 doses.

Glass bottle containing 5,000 doses.

Glass bottle containing 10,000 doses.

Glass bottle containing 15,000 doses.

Route of Administration:

It can be administered by any of the following routes: ocular, nasal, orally through drinking water and by spraying.

Indications of use:

This vaccine is designed to assist in the prevention and control of Newcastle disease and infectious bronchitis in birds, as it stimulates active immunity, both humoral and cellular. It can be applied to birds of any age because it is characterized by producing a very benign post-vaccination reaction that makes it an excellent choice for primary vaccination in replacement pullets.AuxiliIn broiler chickens it is recommended to be used during the first week of age. It is recommended to consider the health status of the flock before using any active viral vaccine.

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