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Every 100gr. they contain:

Oxytetracycline (as HCL) - 550gr.

Excipiente soluble, c.b.p. - 1,000mg.


1. The dose and duration of treatment may vary according to the criteria or judgment of the Veterinarian.2. Do not use this product 30 days before the slaughter of animals intended for human consumption.3. Do not consume the eggs of birds treated with this product, up to 24 hours after treatment.4. Do not use in birds producing eggs for human consumption.


Reg. SAGARPA Q-2782-056

Soluble powder containing oxytetracycline, which is a broad-spectrum bacteriostatic antibiotic. Due to its efficient absorption in the intestinal tract, it is specially designed to be administered in drinking water and food and generate optimal levels in plasma and tissues.


2kg bag.

Route of Administration:

Oral, in drinking water or mixed in food.



In drinking water: 40 mg/kg. In feed: 20 mg/kg. Pigs: In drinking water: 20 mg/kg. In feed: 20 mg/kg.

Indications of use:

Treatment of diseases susceptible to the action of oxytetracycline in birds, such as infectious coryza, avian cholera and mycoplasmosis; and in pigs: porcine erysipelas, respiratory infections, pneumonic pasteurellosis and enzootic pneumonia.

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