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Every 1,000gr. they contain:

Sodium sulfaquinoxaline - 120g.

Trimethoprim - 40gr.

Vitamin K - 2gr.

Excipient, cbp - 1,000gr.


1. The dose and duration of treatment may vary according to the criteria or judgment of the Veterinarian.2. This product should not be used for 5 days before slaughter of animals intended for human consumption.3. Do not consume eggs from treated birds until 8 days after treatment.


Reg. SAGARPA Q-2782-039

It contains a bacteriostatic chemotherapeutic from the sulfonamide group that, combined with trimethoprim and vitamin K, offers a synergistic effect. Due to its minimal level of absorption in the digestive tract of birds, it is ideal for the treatment of coccidiosis. This product is specially designed to be administered in drinking water.


2kg bag.

Route of Administration:

Orally, in drinking water.


Birds: 12 to 24 mg of sodium sulfaquinoxaline trimethoprim/kg.

Indications of use:

It is a bactericidal chemotherapy whose action corresponds to broad-spectrum antibiotics. Administered in the drinking water of birds, it has demonstrated therapeutic effectiveness against Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E.acervulina, E.brunetti, Pasteurella multocida and Escherichia coli.

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